Thursday, November 8, 2007

Paging Dr. Godin.........

I know Seth Godin writes books about permission marketing and leveraging the voices of passionate customers to spread the word about your remarkable product, your remarkable service or your remarkable brand.

He speaks to prestigious companies like Yahoo and Google. He's also an web entrepreneur with involvement in the likes of and

The question is: Has he ever conducted a "intervention"?

Clearly one is called for. Recently it's been reported that Prince has his legal eagles threatening to sue fan websites. This may be a brilliant new marketing strategy (after all, Brittney Spears is currently at the top of the charts after all her public (and pubic) misadventures.)

Prince's spokespeople claim that its a dispute between his record label and three "unauthorized" fanclub websites who use his pictures, likeness and music lyrics without express permission. Hmmm.

I think the website fanclubs should solicit donations from their membership and buy Seth Godin a ticket to Minneapolis. If they get enough money, perhaps they could send along Guy Kawasaki and Tim O'Reilly as well.

Either we're at the dawn of a brilliant new web marketing strategy or the dusk of a music career.

Either way, I trust Seth Godin to figure it out and give us the answer.