Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Circular Firing Squad

A recent "up close" experience in developing web applications has left me with the following conclusion.

I.T. has met the enemy and it is us.

Attempting to render web based applications in every major browser is a huge task. Basic images don't render the same way in IE7 as in IE6 or Firefox or Safari or whatever. Applications act slightly differently, depending upon which you're using.

This is very OLD news to internet developers. If their business counterparts really understood the challenges, companies like Microsoft, would be under seige, because all these costs are built into the web based software they use and the web based software they're developing.

They just don't know it.

I can't imagine the amount of work this has caused (and is causing) developers around the world. Can you imagine the outcry if Television producers had to adapt their shows depending upon whether you were watching them on a Sony or a Magnavox or a Sharp television?

Give me a break.

This situation makes as much sense as a circular firing squad.