Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ed Sullivan Teaches Multitasking

Why is it that some people just get MORE work done than others?

I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence. I think it has something to do with Ed Sullivan.

Yes, I said Ed Sullivan.

Many of us will describe a typical work day as keeping several balls in the air - reminescent of the juggling acts we used to see on the Ed Sullivan show (back when the world was broadcast was black and white).

Personally, I think high achievers are more like those plate spinning guys - the act where the performer balances multitudes of spinning plates on long poles, keeping an eye on the plates that need additional inertia to keep from falling.

Those high performers have several things in common.

1. They understand that keeping ONE plate spinning isn't much of an act.

2. They understand that the performance is really about adding additional plates and keeping them all spinning. They have an understanding of how many plates they can keep going at once.

3. They have focus. Distractions aren't allowed.

4. They provide just enough attention to each plate (task) to keep it moving.

5. They resist the temptation to keep all plates spinning at the same velocity - instead, they pay attention to the plates that slow down, providing just enough effort to prevent them from falling.

High performers have mastered their "balancing act". It makes one wonder....

How many of your employees might get booed off the stage?

P.S. I originally omitted recognition for the photo at the top of the blog. Thanks to John Park @ http://www.platespinning.com/ for the photo!