Friday, May 18, 2007

18 Reasons People Think Your I.T. Dept Sucks

Yesterday I read an article on Digg, that was entitled something like:
"21 Ways to Tell if You're a Stupid User".

Here's the other side of the coin.

18 Reasons People Think Your I.T. Department Sucks.

1. We never hear from you in person. The entire department hides behind email, instant messaging or voicemail. I could be talking to a machine. Oh wait! I am.
2. I seem to encounter the same problems over and over again.
3. I have to tell YOU when the system is down. Isn't anyone monitoring?
4. It's faster for me to order a new PC directly from Dell than it is for you to get me one.
5. Even I know that defragging my PC isn't going to resolve a driver problem. If you don't know the answer, just say so.
6. For a department that's supposed to help automate processes, why does every I.T. request start with a piece of paper?
7. It takes you longer to approve a project than it does to DO the project.
8. When you deny a request, you never offer an alternative solution.
9. You never tell me what's going on in I.T. I always have to ask.
10. You don't understand that I.T. isn't just about the technology. It's about how well our company uses it. You have a role to play in both.
11. Not EVERYONE is a stupid user.
12. I never hear when a problem has been resolved! No one checks with me to make sure it HAS been resolved!
13. You don't survey your customers. Are you too lazy or too embarrassed or do you just not care?
14. If you DO survey, you keep the results to yourself. Be more transparent.
15. If your I.T. Helpdesk keeps getting the same questions over and over again, any thought of addressing the SOURCE of the problem? Hmmm?
16. If my call was so damn important to you, why isn't someone answering at the Helpdesk?
17. Calling everyone a "stupid user" doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to get YOUR act together.
18. You fail to realize that having a great Helpdesk isn't the objective. Not needing one is.
