Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A Little Self Promotion....

Thanks to readers who let me know that my RSS feed buttons weren't working properly. I was using AddThis (which seems to work well with other blogging sites, but has some problems with the new - at least in my case).

I've changed over to FeedBurner and the buttons seem to work pretty well now. If you have any problems, please let me know.

Just for fun, I've also added a new Email subscription. Frankly, this is an experiment (you KNOW I love experiments!). I want to see how many people prefer to receive blog updates in their email vs. RSS reader.

I'm betting that most people prefer RSS feeds to additional email.

Finally, I've added a Lulu button. If you have any interest in downloading my E-books, they can be found there. I promise you'll get what you paid for.... After all, they're free.