Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ubuntu, IdeaStorm and my friend Dave....

Here's an interesting (about 9 minute long) video I found on Dell's website. It features Mark Shuttleworth (Ubuntu project founder) talking about how Linux found it's way into Dell's product mix, via IdeaStorm.


I promised an update on the Ubuntu experiment that we undertook with my friend, Dave. If you recall from a previous post, my son installed Ubuntu on an old (about to be discarded) desktop. With nothing left to lose, he wanted to experiment with Linux.

After playing for a couple of weeks, we have a satisfied customer. Dave's PC did not have a network card in it. After booting Ubuntu and playing for a short while, he was very eager to see how everything worked once he was connected to the Internet. The idea was that this new PC was to be basically a PC for his kids - to allow them email access, web browsing and access to Internet based gaming.

After a quick trip to purchase a network card, he managed to (without help from us) get it up and running. Not quite as seamless as a "true" plug'n'play experience, but mission accomplished, nonetheless. His family is now "connected". All that remains to be seen is how his kids respond to the new environment. Stay tuned.