Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Plug for Loft 8

I just completed a short vacation to Florida with my brother and nephew. As frequent readers already know, my bro runs an Accounting firm in Ontario.

Whenever we get together, he usually brings along a little "swag" for the trip.

Typically he comes bearing logo golf balls, emblazoned with the name of his firm and with the instructions - Dave, when you lose these, it had better be logo side up, in the short ruff.

This year he came bearing a golf shirt, from Loft 8, emblazoned with his company logo.

Now I have a closet full of shirts bearing the logos of companies I've conducted business with. They never get worn. They sit at the back of the closet, never seeing the light of day. As a marketing vehicle, they fall short, in that the sponsor's name is never displayed in public.

My Loft 8 shirt will be the exception. Swag is meant to be seen. And in the case of logo clothing, if it isn't worn, it isn't working.

It is the most comfortable golf shirt I own.

In these tough economic times, every Marketing investment should have a payback. If you purchase golf shirts to hand out to business associates, consider Loft 8.

They'll be worn.

They'll be seen.

End of endorsement.