Saturday, March 14, 2009

S.W.A.T. Marketing

Now I know what you're thinking. He must mean SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Marketing....

Not so fast.

I'm talking about SWAT Marketing.

The kind of Marketing that enables a company to go from marketing concept to reality in minutes and hours, instead of days and months.

Armed with ideas, a computer, a simple repeatable process,an easy to use web framework, and a video camera, yesterday our beloved marketing team put together a new website in under an hour.

Now it wasn't completely finished (from a content perspective). They never are. But it was available, crawlable, accessible, searchable in under 60 minutes. It wasn't PERFECT, but it WAS.

What used to take many meetings and many days discussion, lots of design (and re-design) to make perfect, our team now focuses on simply MAKING. Perfect can come with the additional content and refinements that will surely follow.

And by that time, our website will already have begun generating leads.

Just like the last one did.